You need to have administrator access to do this. Business Unit Managers cannot do this. Please ask our Service Desk for support if you share a group site.
Users can be imported to Assurance in bulk.
You can start from scratch or, if your users are already in your Sandbox or Live site, you can export them out and import into the other site.
Read further for how to find the user spreadsheet for importing and rules for populating the data.
- Click on the Gearwheel at the top right of your Assurance Screen, select Import, then select Users.
- Click Download Import Template.
This excel csv file is used to populate all your user information.
Enter each users details per line. There are required formats. The mandatory fields are listed below:
Name - enter the first and last name
Email - make sure this is a correct email format (
Business Unit - make sure this matches a Business Unit within your site
User Type - there are two options, Full User or Lite User
User Profile - this is not a mandatory field but would be the most efficient way to link the users and profiles (access rights) for many users. Here you would enter the name of the user profile, exactly as displayed in the site. - Once you have completed the Template, click Upload Data.
Drag the csv file or click on Add Files and then click Start Upload. - Your screen will show all your Users to be imported. It will indicate if there are any errors to the format within your data. Changes can be made within the import screen or the import can be Aborted.
- If all data is OK, click Import.
Note: You will receive errors when:
- your Template does not have data for the mandatory fields
- the data is in the incorrect format - e.g. Administrator not Full User
- you have already exceeded your user count
- if a user email address already exists
How to export users from one site and import into another site
Notes: As long as you make some changes to the original spreadsheet (Administrator and User have to become Full User) Business Units also have to be added into the site you are importing to, if they aren't already - you can actually export and import that same spreadsheet if you wish.
1) Export the existing Users from the User list in the site with users already set-up - 'more actions' three dots - export to spreadsheet
2) Download the import spreadsheet from the site you are importing to - Import - User Import - Download import template
3) Move the mandatory information across
4) Make sure you change Administrator and User to Full User if these exist. No need to change Lite User. You'll need to correct this once the users have been successfully imported. An Administrator is a Super User, so you would go into the user profile once uploaded and make a Super User from the 'Rights' tab
5) Save your spreadsheet
6) Go to Import Users in the site you are importing to
7) Select 'Upload Data' once you've added in your file and upload the users by selecting 'Import' twice
8) Finalise access rights in the site you imported to
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