SafeTripBuilder will generate a risk rating for each excursion ('CompliSpace Safe Excursions Recommended Rating') based on the CompliSpace risk methodology and on the basis that you agree, through completion of a risk control checklist, to fully implement all of the risk controls for each risk.
You must now adopt this recommended rating or evaluate your own risk ratings for likelihood and consequence for the excursion using the drop-down boxes. An overall risk rating will then be calculated based on your selections. The risk matrix and definitions for all likelihood and consequence values can be viewed online in a new tab by clicking the Risk Assessment Guide link.
There is an optional free-text notes field for any additional information to explain your risk rating selection to help your approver review and approve the excursion. This is where you may take into account any additional local policies or measures to justify the risk rating.
You can choose to export PDFs or continue and finalise the excursion at this point.
To create the Excursion Risk Assessment, click 'Export Risk Assessment'.
To create a Pre-Departure Checklist, click ‘Pre-Departure Checklist’.
The Excursion Risk Assessment will download in PDF format. The Pre-Departure Checklist can be downloaded in PDF Format or completed online.
Close your PDF viewer and click 'Save and Continue'.
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