Groups are used primarily to distribute learning to staff in bulk or to filter reports
Groups provide you with a way to easily filter and find users based on shared roles or training
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a Group in CompliLearn.
To Create a Group in CompliLearn
1. Click Groups in the top menu
2. Click the Create button
3. You will be provided with the following fields to complete:
- Group Image (Optional) - Suggested parameters: 300w x 125h pixels, no defined edges, avoid text if possible (it centres and can cut off text)
- Group Name - Give the Group a name.
- Group description (Optional) - Describe why a group has been created and who is included (e.g. "includes only permanent teaching staff")
4. Click the Create button
Additional Information
- Groups do not support a reassign feature as a bulk setting
- Courses can be reassigned but to do this you will need to edit the Course settings in order to enable this feature
- Interactives cannot be reassigned, unless they are built into a Course
- For further instructions on how to Auto-Reassign Courses please visit this guide.
- Group ID - This number is automatically assigned by the system. You will need the Group ID if using the bulk upload process to assign users to groups.
- Group Status -Public groups can be searched for and joined by anyone in the portal. Private groups can only be joined by invitation. By default, all groups are set to Private.
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