Assurance enables you to import assignments for existing Checklists, or update an existing assignment. Note that the checklist must first be created in the system before it can be assigned through import.
To do so first click on the gear wheel icon and then on Import.
Then select Checklist Assignments:
You will then need to download the Import Template. To do this Click on ‘Download Import Template’ and choose between the ‘New Assignments for Existing Checklists Import Template’ or the ‘Existing Checklist Assignments Import Template’.
New Assignments for Existing Checklists Import Template
If you select this template you will get a CSV file with a column for each of your checklist assignment fields:
There are a few general rules for setting up the CSV file for data import, they are as follows:
Using one line for each assignment, fill in your details and save.
The Checklist Key is needed to identify which Checklist to link the assignment to.
Once you have completed your spreadsheet, save it and click on ‘Upload Data’:
Simply drag the CSV file or click on Add files to select the CSV. Click on Start Upload. The import facility will then validate the file.
A page will then be displayed which will list all the records to be imported. It will indicate whether the records are OK or whether there are any errors in the file.
If all records are OK, click on ‘Import’ and the records will be imported.
After successful import you will get a listing of imported records showing the details of the records and the number of successfully imported records. You can review this at any time, it will remain as a full record of the import under the Import tab.
Existing Checklist Assignments Import Template
This process is largely the same as importing new assignments with two major differences. First an CSV template will be created with a column for each of your checklist Assignment fields. The major difference from new imports is that there is a mandatory column at the start of the file called ‘Key’ instead of Checklist Key:
This column is what is used to map each of the Checklist Assignments that you are updating to the correct existing Assignment. Now using one line for each Assignment fill in your details and save. Note that you do not need to fill in every field, only the ones you want to update. If you leave a field blank in the CSV it will not clear the existing data in the Assignment, it will just be ignored.
Once you have filled out the CSV you can select Upload Data to upload the file:
When you have uploaded the file, Assurance will match all of the Assignments in the file to their existing counterparts, and display any errors if they are found. If there are any errors they will need to be fixed before the import can go through. Once they are you can complete the process by clicking on ‘Import’, or click on ‘Abort’ if you would like to cancel.
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