This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to:
- configure columns on the list screen
- change the number of results displayed per page
- export the records on a list screen to a PDF or a CSV
To Configure Columns on a List Screen
1. Click Registers and Forms in the top menu
2. Click
3. Locate the Register or Form that you want to configure columns for.
Note: Columns can also be configured this way in the Tasks or Actions, Checklists and Resources list screens.
4. Select the ellipses
5. Click Configure Columns from the dropdown menu that appears
6. Add columns by selecting Type to search and searching for additional fields you wish to add
7. Remove columns by clicking the x next to the field
8. Drag the fields up and down by hovering over the 6 dots and dragging the fields either up or depending on where you want them to sit.
9. Click Save
Changing the Number of Results Displayed Per Page
To change the amount of results on the list screen between 25, 50 and 100 per page, select on the drop-down next to the number of results.
Exporting the Records on a List screen to a PDF or a CSV
Once you configure columns and apply filters if required, you can export a basic and quick report using the ellipses
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