The “Compare previous version with current version” feature enables administrators to compare the previous versions of content with the most current version of content. Additionally, this feature enables administrators to print or export some of the key differences between these versions.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Compare Previous Version with Current Version feature.
To Compare a Previous Version of Content to the Most Current Version of Content:
1. Click the eye in the top menu.
2. Go to the page that you want to compare previous versions to.
3. Click the Page History button in the top right.
4. Select the previous version that you want to compare with the current version.
5. Click the "Compare to Previous Version" icon . This will reveal the Compare to Current Content Screen.
6. Use the Key to identify and understand the differences in the content.
7. Click Export Differences in the top right. This will reveal the Page Differences document.
8. Right-click on the Page Differences document.
9. Select Print from the dropdown menu that appears. Here you can either save the export as a PDF or print it.
10. Click Return to Current Version in the top right to return to your content.
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