Content administrators can control what content is visible to their staff in the Explore menu to assign or self-assign. Some clients prefer for content to only be visible to staff if it has been assigned to them. Others prefer to make all (or some) content visible to staff at all times. Both use cases can be catered for in your staff learning system.
Content must be set to visible to assign to users. Once assigned, the visibility can be turned off. The content will remain visible to all users who have been assigned, but not other users.
The instructions for setting visibility depend on whether the content is shared into your portal (e.g. CompliSpace policy training or CompliLearn content) or is locally created content (content created in your portal).
Visibility of content (not including Awards) created in your portal is controlled by sharing/unsharing it with the portal and publishing/unpublishing. In reports, content that not visible (not shared) is marked as 'private'.
Unpublished content cannot be assigned and does not appear in Explore.
Unshared (not visible or private) content can be assigned by the content author, but does not appear in Explore.
- Unshared (not visible or private) content can be assigned to groups, but may not be visible to all members. Always share content to a group before assigning it.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on:
How to Publish Content Created in you Portal
How to Unpublish Content Created in your Portal
How to Share Content Created in your Portal
How to Hide Content Created in your Portal
How to Share Content Created in your Portal to a Specific Group
How to Publish Content Created in your Portal
Step-by-Step Guide
Go to the course
Click Edit
Click the Publish button in the top right corner
How to Unpublish Content Created in your Portal
Step-by-Step Guide
Go to the course
Click Edit
Click the three-dot button in the top right corner
Select Unpublish
How to Share Content Created in your Portal
Courses created in your portal that are set to 'visible' (or shared) appear in the Explore screen for all users.
Step-by-Step Guide
Go to the course
Click Edit
Click Visibility and Access in the top right corner.
Locate your portal name beneath 'Quick Add'.
Click the arrow next to your selected portal.
Select the Can Enrol option from the dropdown menu.
Click Add.
Click x to exit the Visibility and Access window.
Click Done in the top-right of the main screen.
How to Hide Content Created in your Portal
Courses set to 'not visible' (not shared) only appear to users if the course is assigned to them or added to their learning group.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Go to the course
Click Edit
Click Visibility and Access in the top right corner.
Locate your portal name beneath 'Current Access'.
Click the x next to your selected portal
6. A message will then appear on your screen. Click Yes, Remove
7. The portal should now appear beneath the 'Quick Add' section.
8. Click x to exit the Visibility and Access window.
9. On the main screen click the Done button in the top-right.
How to Share Content Created in your Portal to a Specific Group
Locally created content can be shared with a group rather than the entire portal. This makes the content visible to the members of the group (i.e. it appears in Explore), but not visible to other users. Content should always be shared with a group before assigning it to ensure all group members can access the content.
Step-by-Step Guide
Go to the course
Click Edit
Click Visibility and Access in the top right corner
Search for the group name in the top box and click Add.
Note: content added to (shared with) a group is not assigned. It is visible to the group members, who may choose to enrol.
Do I Publish or Share or Both?
Published | Unpublished | |
Shared to portal |
Shared to a group |
Unshared |
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