Due dates in CompliLearn can be managed and updated in a few different ways. The following guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to:
Update Relative Due Dates for Learning Resources
Update Due Dates for Individuals using Manage
Update Due Dates for Everyone in a Learning Group
How to Update Relative Due Dates for Learning Resources
Relative due dates allow a person to complete their learning within a specified timeframe, as opposed to a set date. This is especially important functionality to support the ongoing workflow of adding new employee cohorts to groups when they join an organisation.
You can change the number of days, months or choose a specific date by following the below instructions:
1. Click Groups in the top menu.
2. Select the group that the learner/learners belong to (whom you wish to update or add a due date for).
3. Click the Assign button.
4. Enter the name of the Learning Resource and select it from the dropdown menu that appears.
5. Click continue.
6. Click the dropdown menu and select the Days or Months or Date option.
7. If you selected Days or Months, click your cursor where the number is, here you can edit the number of days or months you want the due date to be.
8. Click Assign.
Please See the Short Demonstration Video Below:
How to Update Due Dates for Individuals using Manage
1. Click Explore in the top menu.
2. Find the learning resource that you want to update the due date for.
3. Click the three dots next to the learning resource.
4. Select Manage from the dropdown menu that appears.
5. Find the learner that you want to amend the due date for and click the three dots in their row.
6. Select Edit Due Date from the dropdown menu that appears.
7. Click the dropdown menu and select the Days or Months or Date option.
8. If you selected Days or Months, click your cursor where the number is, here you can edit the number of days or months you want the due date to be.
9. Click Update.
Please See the Short Demonstration Video Below:
How to Update Due Dates for Everyone in a Learning Group
1. Click Groups in the top menu.
2. Click the group that you want to update the due date for.
3. Select the dots next to the learning.
4. Select Manage from the dropdown menu that appears.
5. Click the blank checkbox to select all the learners.
6. Click the three dots next to Reassign.
7. Select the Edit due dates option that appears.
8. Click the dropdown menu and select either the Days or Months or Date option.
9. If you selected Days or Months, click your cursor where the number is, here you can edit the number of days or months you want the due date to be or leave it as is.
10. Click Update.
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