Those with a CompliLearn subscription are able to view, filter and export CompliLearn reports within their PolicyConnect site.
Navigating to the CompliLearn Reports screen
1. Enter administrator view.
2. Click Gear in the top menu bar.
3. Click the Report Dashboard in the left-hand menu.
4. Select the CompliLearn Reports tab
Summary Report
The Summary Report tab provides PolicyConnect Administrators with the ability to view and export a summarised report of user, course and award activity. Each report summary can be viewed by clicking on the icon in their respective panels.
Filtering By Date
PolicyConnect Administrators have the ability to filter their summary reports to a specific date range.
Clicking on a date once will filter results to the selected date only. Selecting an additional date will filter results to display reports within the range of your first and second selection.
Filtering By Portal
PolicyConnect Group Administrators have the ability to filter their reports to a specific portal within their group hierarchy. This can be done by clicking on the 'Select Portals' drop-down menu and selecting the portals you wish to view. Note that multiple portals may be selected at once.
User Report
The user reports panel will display a table showing:
- The portal that the report is gathering data from
- The number of inactive users in the portal
- The number of active users in the portal
- The total number of users in the portal
If multiple portals have been selected, the results of each portal will be displayed in a separate row in the table.
Course Report
The course reports panel will display a table showing:
- The portal that the report is gathering data from
- The number of unpublished user generated courses in the portal
- The number of published user generated courses in the portal
- The total number of user generated courses in the portal
- The number of unpublished CompliSpace courses in the portal
- The number of published CompliSpace courses in the portal
- The total number of CompliSpace courses in the portal
If multiple portals have been selected, the results of each portal will be displayed in a separate row in the table.
Award Report
The award reports panel will display a table showing:
- The portal that the report is gathering data from
- The number of unpublished user generated courses in the portal
- The number of published user generated courses in the portal
- The total number of user generated courses in the portal
- The number of unpublished CompliSpace courses in the portal
- The number of published CompliSpace courses in the portal
- The total number of CompliSpace courses in the portal
If multiple portals have been selected, the results of each portal will be displayed in a separate row in the table.
Exporting Summary Reports
Summary reports may be exported individually by clicking on the 'Export' button on a given panel. The results will be exported as a CSV file.
PolicyConnect Group Administrators also have the option of exporting all results from all portals simultaneously. This can be done by clicking on the 'Export All' button
Activity Report
The Activity Report tab provides PolicyConnect Administrators with the ability to view and filter reports for specific learning items.
The Activity Report tab displays a table of learning items, showing:
- The portal that the report is gathering data from
- The title of the learning item
- The type of learning item
- The Object ID of the learning item
- The number of users currently assigned to the learning item
- The number of users with pending results for the learning item
- The number of users who have not yet started the learning item
- The number of users who are currently working on the learning item
- The number of users who have completed the learning item
- The total number of users assigned to the learning item
- The completion rate of the learning item
Filtering By Learning Item Title
The activity report table may be filtered by learning item titles by:
1. Clicking on the 'Select Titles' drop-down menu
2. Selecting learning item titles. Note that multiple learning item titles may be selected simultaneously.
Filtering By Learning Item Type
The activity report table may be filtered by learning item type by:
1. Clicking on the 'Select Types' drop-down menu
2. Selecting learning item types. Note that multiple learning item types may be selected simultaneously.
Filtering By Portal
PolicyConnect Group administrators have the ability to filter the activity report table by portals within their group hierarchy. This can be done by:
1. Clicking on the 'Select Portals' drop-down menu
2. Selecting portals. Note that multiple portals may be selected simultaneously.
Filtering By Date
PolicyConnect Administrators have the ability to filter their activity reports to a specific date range.
Clicking on a date once will filter results to the selected date only. Selecting an additional date will filter results to display reports within the range of your first and second selection.
Exporting Activity Reports
PolicyConnect Group Administrators have the ability to export all activity reports across all portals within their group hierarchy. The results will be exported as a CSV file.
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