This article will summarise the functions a Business Unit Manager can perform in relation to making Administrator changes to Templates, in particular the Details tab of existing Registers and Forms.
Note that new Registers and Forms cannot be created on a Sandbox or Live site as a Business Unit Manager. Registers and Forms also cannot be activated or deactivated. Please get in touch with your key CompliSpace contact if you want to create/activate or deactivate a new Register or Form.
As part of this process, it's a good time to check if your staff have access to the template. The Service Desk can also assist with this.
If the template you are editing will be a form, please see this article on editing public link settings.
Details Tab
A Business Unit Manager can edit/perform/adjust settings for the following:
1) Export the Template (next to edit button) - instructions here
2) Edit:
- Name - name of the template
- Prefix - this forms part of the unique Key. Each entry on the register is given a number, the prefix before the number can be adjusted.
- Category - templates can be associated to categories, which will be visible in the top grey banner when you access the Register data. To create additional categories, contact the Service Desk.
- Ability to make Registers & Forms Confidential (instructions)
- Description - provides information for why the template was created. The Description will show in the list of templates.
- Instructions - this text will show at the top of the register or form when being created or submitted
- Notifications Before/After End Date - set up a schedule for notifications when using the End Date field
- Ability to create Registers & Forms by Import - Users that do not have rights to the Admin pages can still import Forms as long as that Register has this option switched on.
- Credentials and Eligibility Criteria - Set up the collection of Credentials and Eligibility Criteria to any Template. Contact the Service Desk if you'd like to set-up new Credential or Eligibility Criteria that is not captured in the drop-down list provided, once you select Yes to this section.
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