You can add fields to a report by taking the following actions:
- Select report that you want to edit
- If you are wanting to add fields that are only applicable to one or more Register & Form Template/s (and not on all templates), then add the Register & Forms Template Filter (magnifying glass icon) and select only those Register & Form templates that contain those fields, by clicking into the white space and selecting the relevant template. Select Apply.
3. A list of Fields will be displayed - these are default fields that will appear in the report.
4. You can remove Fields by clicking on the X and add new fields (including custom fields) by clicking into the white space under 'Fields' and scroll or type to find the fields you want to add.
5. When you click in the white box all standard and custom fields not being used in the report will be displayed. To narrow down the list of fields, start to type in the name of the field that you wish to add.
6. Select the field that you want to add and it will be added to the fields displayed.
You can also select the bold fields Risk or Form for example, to add all those possible field types.
7. Remember you can re-order the fields by clicking on the three dots on the side of the field name and dragging and dropping the field into the desired location.
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