From time to time, you may need to update email addresses on your CompliLearn platform. Email addresses can only be updated by Content administrators.
Personal email addresses
Email addresses are the unique identifier for each individual and they must sign in with the email address attached to their account. Personal email addresses can now be updated by an administrator with a couple of exceptions detailed in this article.
Learner account across two Go1 platforms
You will not be able to edit the email address if the person has an account across two Go1 platforms. Please let us know if this is the case and we will ask Go1 to update the email address on behalf of the learner. Your learners may also update their own email address in this case as well.
Note: If requesting Go1 to update the email address, the learner will need to verify this change due to security reasons, this will send an email to the learner which they should verify.
The following articles will show you how to update the email address in different scenarios.
How to update a users email address
How to edit user details - This article will show you how to update user name and email.
Merge Account requests
Sometimes a learner will end up with two accounts in CompliLearn. This can occur for the following reasons:
1) You need to assign learning before the learner has a work email
2) A learner signs in using Single Sign-On when they already have a personal account and this auto-creates the work account for them
You may therefore need to move learning from one account to the other and make the former account inactive. Please note that we cannot merge accounts if In-Progress learning has been split between two accounts for the same individual, we can only transfer learning that has been Completed.
You can either request the learner to complete the learning on the account where it is In Progress and then we can ask Go1 to move the completed record to the new account, or you can reassign the learning on the new account meaning the learner will have to re-start the learning.
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