Note: Tasks or Actions share exactly the same function and customers may refer to either depending on the adopted terminology in their site.
Layouts are the field configurations for Entity, Contact, Actions or Tasks, Action or Task Assignments, Checklist, Checklist Assignments and Documents. To change Layouts you will need Super User or Administrator rights.
Layouts affect the Create, Edit and View screens. You can do the following in Layouts:
- Add custom fields to a layout
- Re-order fields
- Create Sections and Tables
- Make Fields Mandatory or Optional
- Activate or Deactivate Fields.
We are going to focus on Actions or Tasks for this article.
This is the action layout:
Changes to the action layout affects the Create, Edit and View Task or Action Screens.
You will then see all of the layout you are able to modify, and can click on the name to modify its layout:
- Entity (or your own terminology such as 'Provider')
- Contact
- Action or Task (whatever the terminology in your site)
- Action Assignment or Task Assignment
- Checklist
- Checklist Assignments
Adding a New Field
Click on + New Field,
You will then be able to set the Name, Instructions and Type of field you want to make. The field types that are available on a Register/Form Template is also available here on layouts - you can read more about the field types here.
Making Fields Mandatory or Optional
On the Layout you are able to mark fields as Mandatory, this means that when the Entity/Contact/Action or Task/Checklist/Assignment is being Created the user will need to fill in that field.
You can see if a field is Mandatory at the end of its block. To change a field to Mandatory, hover over the word Optional until a pencil tool appears, then select the tool and select Mandatory from the drop-down list of options. The fields with a * icon are default fields which cannot be deleted.
If you want to make multiple Fields Mandatory or Optional you can update it in bulk by selecting all the fields you want to update using the checkbox and the options will appear in the top row.
Creating Sections and Tables
You can create a section on your layout to help group together fields.
You can create a Table on your Layout when you are wanting to have multiple fields in a repeating table
To Create a Section or Table select the fields you want to include using their checkboxes, and then click Create Section or Create Table.
Please Note: Built in fields cannot be placed on tables with repeating rows.
Making fields Dependent
Fields can be made dependent on answers to Single-Select or Multi-Select fields, so that they only appear when an answer is selected.
To make fields dependent:
1) Click on the field
2) Click the 'Dependent' button on the far right
3) In the dark grey Dependent Fields block that appears, click on this and type in the Dependent field.
4) Select the field you want to make dependent and select the blue tick button.
Deactivating Fields
If a field has previously been used and is now no longer required on the layout it can be deactivated. Assurance still keeps the data in deactivated fields.
Important note: Once made inactive, the data is only visible if the field is made active again. Read on if you need to keep the data visible but moved to a different field.
1) Export the data before you deactivate the field. See this article to easily configure your columns to add in the field that will be made inactive and then export the data direct from the register (see section, Export your configured report to spreadsheet or PDF - optional).
2) Once you create the new field in the layouts section, this data can then be imported into the new field, using an Existing, not New, import template. See this guide for the process. Ensure you have the corresponding Key for all entries requiring the data import.
How to deactivate the field
To deactivate a field select one or more fields using the checkboxes and then click Deactivate
Built in fields (fields with the lock) and Built in Mandatory fields (fields with the asterisk) cannot be removed.
Show Inactive Fields
By clicking the Show Inactive button you can see all the fields that have previously been made inactive.
To Activate these fields again, select them with the checkboxes and click on the Activate Button
Removing Fields
A custom field that you have created on a layout can be removed if new tasks or actions, checklists etc.(whatever function you are editing) has not been created since you added the field.
If a field is removed from a layout, it cannot be added back.
To remove a field from a layout, select the field with the checkboxes on the field block and then click the Remove Field button.
Please Note: Built in fields (fields with the lock) cannot be removed.
To view the full change history of a Layout, click on the History Tab.
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