Credentials can be marked as "not required" in two places - on the form/contract or the entity itself. Retiring the credential on the entity itself, is necessary if the due date for the credential has passed.
Marking credential as not required from the Contract
If a Credential is not required for an Entity or Service Provider, you can select the Eligibility Criteria (by selecting the tick box) and clicking on Not Required.
You will be prompted to type in a reason why the credential is not required for that particular contract. Select 'Save'.
The Credential will now appear in the list as Not required (with a line drawn through the eligibility criteria).
Marking credential as not required from the Entity
1. Select the Resources Tab
3. Select the Provider by clicking on the Key or the Name.
4. Navigate to the Credentials Tab
5. Click on the credential within the Credential Type Column (e.g. Public Liability Insurance)
6. Click the Retire Button.
Considerations when making credentials "Not Required"
When a credential is set up on the form (e.g. Contract) it creates the credential against the entity, creating two places to view the credential
As the notification is sent to the entity, the credential set up under the entity is considered the ‘master’ or the assignment of the credential
- If, on your new Contract, the credential is not required and the due date has not passed or has not been setup, the credential can be changed to not required in the tab on the form (e.g. Contract). The credential will still however exist on the entity.
- If, on your new Contract, the credential is not required and the due date has passed, then the credential must be retired on the entity
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